Nutrition and Depression: Nutrition, Neuronal Protection, Omega 3 Fatty Acids, Vitamin D and Depression, Part 3

Nutrition, Neuronal Protection and DepressionNeuronal protection (protection against cognitive decline) requires glutathione peroxidase (a crucial enzyme which requires selenium, cysteine, carotenoids, zinc, and vitamin E) is an important aspect of the treatment of mood disorders both because they tend to be recurrent over one’s life, and because they are associated with neuronal loss in specific parts of the b...

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Nutrition and Depression: Nutrition, Methylation, and Depression, Part 2

Nutrition, Methylation, and DepressionNutritional support for the methylation cycle is another area in which nutrition plays a critical role. The methylation cycle is essential for mental and physical health. It is critical to the metabolism of catecholamines in the synapse via an enzyme (COMT) as well as the synthesis of ‘depression-relevant’ compounds such as melatonin, myelin basic protein, carnitine, CoQ10,...

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Lose the Wheat, Lose the Joint Pain: The Hidden Grief of Wheat

“That baguette may look innocent, but it’s a lot harder on the joints than you think.” –Dr. William Davis, author of Wheat Belly Is your sandwich sabotaging your joints, and your morning toast taxing your knees?  Many health experts now claim that wheat contributes to everything from arthritis to dowager’s hump, and link wheat consumption to many of the “normal” aspects of ageing, including wrinkles. So how bad...

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Is Your Arthritis all in your Guts?

“When New York chef Seamus Mullen, 40, was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis in 2007, he tried the usual treatments, including anti-inflammatory drugs, biologics and steroids,” reports Julie Deardorff, Tribune Newspapers1. “He saw a doctor who suspected his arthritis was driven by an imbalance in his gut. Mullen followed a strict protocol involving more exercise, more rest, eliminating refined sugars and grai...

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