What is the effect of joint pain on our loved ones?

For many good reasons, approximately 14.6 million Americans who suffer from severe joint pain often have a tendency to focus on themselves and their problems. But the reality is that their joint pain affects everyone in their lives.

When you experience joint pain, you may experience emotions and conditions including frustration, anxiety, stress, and depression. This range of feelings is also felt by family and friends, who may also find themselves with a feeling of helplessness because they are unable to help.

Unfortunately, medical providers managing joint pain rarely address the impact upon the friends and family, leaving a void in care. A study conducted at the University of Washington found that family members were "up to four times more depressed than the patients."

If the joint pain is particularly severe, the condition could result in an inability to work, in which case there could also be an economic impact upon the family that may test even the most solid marriages.

In addition to the economic impact, severe joint pain may have an effect on one's social life, resulting in diminished interaction with a potential support group of sympathetic people. Intimacy, too, maybe a casualty, which can cause enormous burdens on couples.

Finally, parents of small and teen-aged children may not be able to participate in simple play or athletic activities that provide crucial bonding and a lifetime of happy memories.

Here are a few things that joint pain sufferers can do to help reduce the anxiety and stress of loved ones:

  • Communicate your condition - The sooner you describe what you are able to do and not do, the better your friends and family will respond to this period in your life and make the necessary accommodations.
  • Describe your feelings - Let loved ones know that whatever anxiety or stress you are feeling is not their fault.
  • Inform them of your care - Tell friends and family what you are doing to help reduce or end the severe joint pain that is affecting your life - and theirs.

Do something important for your loved ones

 If you suffer from joint pain, others are suffering, too. Your treatment options include living with the pain, over-the-counter temporary remedies, unproven alternative therapies, or dangerous prescription medications.

Another option is ReJoint.

ReJoint is a doctor-formulated, 100% natural, safe, herbal remedy that can help provide you or your loved one with the chronic or intermittent joint pain relief or back pain relief you want. For more information call (201) 875-8055.

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