What about those joint pain meds on TV?

When chronic joint pain occurs, it can change an otherwise active lifestyle into a time of struggle and hopelessness. A common reaction to the onset of chronic pain is to take whatever action is necessary to stop the agony so that we can return to doing the things we love.

Pharmaceutical companies know that, too. That's why the joint pain medication advertisements you see online and on television almost always show people moving about freely, with no pain whatsoever. They're playing softball, riding bicycles, working out, and more, without a care in the world.

But those joint pain meds are not without a cost, not to your wallet, but to another area of health. Pharmaceutical companies are legally required to convey the side effects of these drugs, but that is often done so that they receive little attention.

Here's an example of the price that some people may pay. It's the first list of possible side effects for one prescription joint pain medication that is promoted online and frequently on television:

  • Serious infections
  • Increased risk of death in rheumatoid arthritis patients taking a higher than the recommended dose
  • Cancer and immune system problems
  • Blood clots in the lungs, veins of the legs, and arteries
  • Tears (perforations) in the stomach or intestines
  • Serious allergic reactions

Those are the side effects on the first page. To learn about the other side effects, patients must click another button to learn that it may also cause:

  • Hepatitis B or C activation in people who carry the virus in their blood
  • Upper respiratory tract infections
  • Headache
  • Diarrhea
  • High blood pressure
  • And more...

As with many other choices in life, patients must weigh the risk versus the reward. In many cases of chronic pain, however, nature has provided remedies that do not carry side effects such as cancer or death.

ReJoint: No prescription needed because it's all-natural

Today, there is a way to get proven relief for joint and back pain, quickly and easily - without the risk of the side effects of prescription medication and without the hassle of a visit to the doctor. ReJoint is a doctor-formulated, 100% natural, safe, herbal remedy that can help provide you with the lower back pain relief you want quickly, without any side effects. For more information, visit https://drhrejoint.com/ or call (201) 875-8055.



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