How can I stop the morning joint pain?

One of the many things that many of the millions of joint pain sufferers have in common is morning joint pain. The cause of the pain is usually thought of as a sign of aging, but the reality is that while morning joint pain is more common among older adults, it can affect people of any age. Morning joint stiffness is also more likely to happen to people who are overweight. For older adults, the problem may be ag...

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What is the difference between chronic joint pain and arthritis?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines severe joint pain as a seven or higher on a pain scale of one to ten. Persistent or chronic joint pain is defined as having joint pain of any severity on most or all days over the previous three months. People who are experiencing joint pain and whose condition qualifies as "chronic" often wonder whether they have arthritis, which is a serious disease with l...

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Can chronic joint pain cause depression?

An extremely important side effect of chronic joint pain is the problems it may cause elsewhere. Depending on the location and severity of the chronic joint pain, there could be serious consequences, some life-threatening, should the pain continue untreated. Obesity is the first and most obvious side effect of chronic joint pain, which may cause an otherwise active person to be unable to complete a daily worko...

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Is Chronic Joint Pain Hereditary?

A common question among those who suffer from the pain of chronic joint pain is whether it may have been passed down from one's parents or others in the family line. The short answer is "yes," but not all chronic joint pain is hereditary. A study conducted at King's College in London showed that musculoskeletal pain is one of four types of chronic pain that may be inherited. According to the study, which used ...

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